Not only do we deliver accurate translations of technical drawings, but we also layout them in whatever format you may wish, including AutoCAD formats. Want to provide your technical drawing in a format different from the source file? Just send us the file, and we will tell you all the possible ways of translating it into Russian or vice versa and recreating its layout if needed.
Estimated translation quotes for technical drawings
We quote translations of technical drawings depending on the word number and the complexity of required layout. You can find an approximate rate per 1 word below. In case of complex layout DTP services may be charged extra.
or learn more about languages we work with
In case of technical drawings, translation and formatting may be equally important. For this reason, we will take into account all your requests concerning the formatting of the translated files and, of course, we will do our best to deliver the translation of highest quality.
We will assign the right translator
Our Russian translators have worked on nearly every type of technical drawings. We frequently translate:
- architectural and engineering drawings;
- P&IDs;
- equipment location plans;
- circuit diagrams;
- HVAC diagrams.
We have translators who specialize in 4-5 topics and can take part in projects related to various industries, but translating technical drawings is a different story. Our experience shows that the highest quality of service can be achieved if we find a translator with a narrow area of technical expertise and initiate a dialogue with our customer’s engineers, in other words, the end users. Nevertheless, even if such an interaction is not possible, our translators do their best to deliver accurate and adequate translations.
We will make a compliance table for technical terms and their Russian equivalents
First and foremost, we extract text from a file and analyze important technical terms. Only then we can start translating.
This helps us avoid omissions and confusions. Technical drawings can be extremely large, that is why identical terms can be mistakenly translated in several different ways if there is no compliance table prepared in advance. The compliance table also helps us keep track of possible omissions and is much more convenient to work with, if our customer would like to coordinate term translations first.
Extract from a compliance table
Translated drawing will be formatted the way you need it
Our professional team includes not only translators but also layout designers. That is why we can provide translated technical drawings in any format you like (.pdf, .jpg, .tiff, or .dwg.)
We offer 2 ways of formatting:
- plain-text translation (done in comments to the technical drawing in a text editor);
- translation layout equal to the source file (delivered as either a new file or source file in the target language).
We will accurately follow your instructions related to formatting (so that the translated file complies with national standards of your country).
Creating layouts for technical drawings is a special process. First, I extract the text to a Word or Excel file; then I send the file to translators and ‘insert’ the translation back into the drawing. When working on scanned technical drawings, I have to select the right background color to match the source file design. I choose the software depending on the source file format, but I use Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Acrobat PRO, Adobe Photoshop, and AutoCAD most often.
Examples of translated technical drawings
The translation is done as a separate (new) file; its layout is identical to the source file.
The translation is done in the source file; its layout is as close to the source positions as possible.
Our customer did not need the layout; that is why the translation file looks like a plain-text compliance table