We provide quality language support all over Russia. Our extensive network of interpreters allows you to choose the best manpower for your event, be it a private business talk or an international conference for 1000 people.

Rates for interpreting services with Russian language

Rates depend primarily on the duration of the service and the language pair. However, venue address, event type and specifics also matter a lot. For your convenience, we have listed the rates of the most popular languages in the table below.

Common languages
In Russia
$30-50 per hour
Outside of Russia
$50-80 per hour
Common languages are the most popular ones (like English, French, German, Spanish etc.). There are lots of Russian interpreters of these languages, that is why we can offer lower rates.
Rare languages
In Russia
$40-60 per hour
Outside of Russia
$60-100 per hour
There are languages that only few interpreters work with, such as Icelandic, Japanese, or Pashto. We call them rare languages and charge more to translate from or into them.


  • Minimum charge is $100
  • Work on weekends or at night is charged extra.
  • Extra hours (more than 8 hours per day) are charged more.
  • In case of work at distant locations travel expenses should be compensated.


  • A discount of up to 10% may be applied if an interpreter is required for 2-3 days.
  • A discount of up to 20-30% may be applied for long-term projects.

Please send your request in advance to secure a discounted rate.

We Will Pick The Right Interpreter For You

Depending on the event specifics you might need consecutive or simultaneous interpreting. Consecutive interpreting is much cheaper and is suitable for most situations, but takes twice as much time because speakers have to make pauses and let interpreters speak. Simultaneous interpreting doesn't bother the speaker, but requires lengthy preparation and is much more expensive. Now let's talk about interpreters' qualification... Ok, don't worry, we will handle all of this for you.

We do both consecutive and simultaneous interpreting

We can provide both consecutive and simultaneous interpreters of Russian language. In most cases you need a consecutive one, but if you are unsure, just describe your event, and we will pick the right one.

Consider the following before you choose:

  • consecutive interpreting takes twice as much time, as speakers have to make pauses — this might be important for your event's timing;
  • simultaneous interpreting for groups larger than 3-5 people requires special equipment (can be rented);
  • simultaneous interpreters work in pairs, changing each other every 30 mintues; this fact, combined with equipment costs make it significantly more expensive;
  • there is a wide choice of consecutive interpreters, while simultaneous ones can be very hard to find, especially with rare language pairs.

Our consecutive interpreter at a medical seminar in Moscow, Russia

Our Russian consecutive interpreter at a medical seminar

Our simultaneous interpreters and a technician at the educational conference in St Petersburg, Russia

Our Russian simultaneous interpreters during a conference

We can handle rare languages, narrow specializations, and distant locations

We have Russian interpreters working with a wide variety of source languages including such rare ones ​​as Korean, Thai and Urdu. We can find experts in advertising, pharmaceutics, automotive industry etc. Let us know the details of the task, and we will find you a perfect candidate.

Long-term interpreting project at a car manufacturing plant

Over the entire period of the contract, we have picked up and tested four interpreters, which in turn were invited to work with the Japanese delegation at the plant. The biggest challenge that we have successfully overcome, became delegation's preferences regarding interpreters. We have worked with the representatives of the delegation so closely that once our interpreter even accompanied one of the managers at the health center to help in communicating with the doctors. We try to meet all needs of our customers and do our best to provide an interpreter even if the request is made on a short notice.
Consecutive interpreters from Japanese into Russian

Interpreting from Spanish into Russian during an audit

We have found and tested 2 Spanish intepreters who took part in an audit at a manufacturing site. The Spanish language is not so widespread in Russia as English, for example. So the main difficulty was to find two good Spanish interpreters qualified enough to support an audit at a pharmaceutical production site. In order to do a great job chosen interpreters have been preparing for quite a long time beforehand.

Despite the previous experience of interpreting at such inspections, I have once again run through all the terminology related to pharmaceuticals and studied the manufacturing processes specific to this factory. The audit lasted four days only, so each day was very tense. As we had to work really much it was pretty hard to keep concentration and attention at the same level. But we were very proud to see that our work helped the manufacturing site to pass the audit and receive GMP certificate.

Ksenia, Spanish-Russian interpreter
Russian interpreter during a GMP audit