Translation of websites into foreign languages is an excellent way of attracting high-quality target traffic and entering new markets. Our translation company has grown from a localization department of the travel agency, that is why we are more than qualified in website localization.

How much does Russian website localization cost?

Translation cost depends on the number of words on your website. Please find our per-word rates for translation in the table below. Complex localization may require text extraction, html markup, or programming. These services are provided at an extra cost.

Important details:

  • If you have your content in a text file, just send it over to us for evaluation. In this regard, the process of cost evaluation is identical to document translation.
  • If you host everything on your website, just send us a link. We will analyze your website (takes time) and calculate the approximate number of words to be translated.

Common languages
Into Russian
$0,06 / word
From Russian
$0,10 / word
Common languages are the most popular ones (like English, French, German, Spanish etc.). There are lots of Russian translators of these languages, that is why we can offer lower rates.
Rare languages
Into Russian
$0,10 / word
From Russian
$0,15 / word
There are languages that only few translators work with, such as Icelandic, Japanese, or Pashto. We call them rare languages and charge more to translate from or into them.

We will take into account all details when translating your website

There are a lot of tools which can provide an automatic translation of your website into various languages of the world, but they can hardly reveal the meanings, adapt promotional phrases and make your website work in another language. We have got a great team of professionals and we know the procedure inside and out.

Localization can be organized in 3 following ways. You can choose, which one suits your website developer best or seems the most logical to you. Or let us do the job!

1. Send your content in a document

This is the most popular way. You don’t have to give access to your website, translators simply work with the text and don't mess with your tags or markup. However, you will have to upload the translated content to the website yourself.

  • we analyze the content of your document or the website;
  • we divide the text into 2 columns (original/translation);
  • we send you our quote and attach the document, which the calculation was based on;
  • if you are happy with the quote we translate the content and send the document back to you.

If you like this option, just send us your document with the content or provide a link to the website.

2. Let's do it your way

We will easily adapt to your way of localization. We can work with source files, .po files, strings in an excel table. We can login to CMS and translate strings in their dedicated plugins or modules. We are happy to use localization management platforms as well.

  • we analyze the complexity of the localization method chosen by you;
  • we get back with our rates per word and a quote for additional services (text extraction, coding etc.) if needed;
  • you provide us with access to your CMS, or add our translators to your localization platform, or send us your source files;
  • we deliver the job and provide you with translators' feedback.

If you like this option, let us know how you want the localization to be performed and we will be happy to help you.

3. "I'm new to this. Do it for me."

If you are not familiar with website development, then this option suits you best. We will request the information we need and provide you with several options describing how this job can be done, how much it may cost.

  • we analyze your website, evaluate the complexity of your task;
  • we get back to you with options on how this job can be done;
  • you choose the option that suits you best;
  • we deliver the job and provide you with translators' feedback.

If you like this option, contact us for further details.

We will help you to save money on localization

If you have a large website which is frequently updated, you can choose not to translate outdated information. This is a standard practice. In some cases, we can first translate only main pages for you to check the interest of foreign audience. After that you can decide if it is worth translating the website into that language.


Let's look at the statistics. Here is what our clients usually prefer to translate later or not to translate at all. Uploaded documents (different legal and technical documents which you offer to download). You can temporarily remove the links to these files until you decide whether you need them in another language or not. You can also save money on translation of news, blog posts, and articles. Old articles and posts are usually translated selectively or not translated at all. It also makes sense to translate only those pages which are relevant to a particular country or audience, and leave a message on the irrelevant pages that information is available only in a particular language.

Alexandra Agafonova, SPB Translations project manager

Your SEO results will not be lost in translation

Translation means complex work with text. We try to preserve not only stylistic patterns or authors' writing style, but SEO as well.

However, we don’t deal with technical SEO, link building or keyword analytics.


We cannot guarantee that we will be able to preserve your high rankings achieved in your native language, as SEO is not only about text, but we can pay special attention to important keywords and phrases. Just mark them in you document with content or leave comments for our translators. We will handle your optimized text with care: monitor character limit, avoid splitting keywords, check keywords for usage.

Andrei Guk, SPB Translations localization expert