We happen to deal with Bosnian texts not quite often; nevertheless, we are experienced in translating both short documents and huge sets of different documents. The only inconvenience may be that the urgent translation option is not always available. We can offer the native speaker option for Bosnian as well.

Bosnian Translation Rates

We translate documents from Bosnian into Russian and from Russian into Bosnian. We can also provide interpreters with the mentioned language pair all over Russia and in many countries around the world.

Document/Text translation

Document or text translation rates depend on the number of words to be translated. Our rates are listed below, however we encourage you to send your text or documents for evaluation.

Learn more about our document translation services

Direction Rate per word Rate per page
From Bosnian Into Russian $0.08 $24-32
From Russian into Bosnian $0.15 $45-60

Important details:

  • Minimum charge is $30
  • Higher rates may be applied for documents with complex layout.
  • Discounted rates may be applied for texts containing 10000+ words, for texts containing repetitions.


Interpreting is charged per hour or per day (in case of long term projects). Our rates are listed below. To help us find the best interpreter for you please provide all available information about your event: event type, its programme, venue address etc.

Learn more about our interpreting services

Location Rate per hour Rate per day
Bosnian-Russian interpreter in Russia $30 $240
Bosnian-Russian interpreter outside of Russia $45 $360

Important details:

  • Minimum charge is $100
  • Higher rates may be applied for work on weekends, holidays, or at night.
  • Discounted rates may be applied if you need an interpreter for more than a week.